Hi All!,

Welcome or welcome back to my comic Awwwwwh Beans! This week, Beans gets into some trouble for 'Sneaky Treats'!

Thanks and happy comic reading!

Sarai ^^"

"Movie Time" "Home Alone" "Shedging" "Super Beans" "What's That" "Mirror Mirror"
"Gotta Go" "Happy 4th" "I'm A Star!" "Oh No!" "Latern Festival" "Go For The Gold"
"Happy B-Day" "The Streetz" "Doin Time" "Masterpiece" "Surf n the web" "Who are you?"
"Recycle" "Nemesis" "Fall Con" "Crack On!" "New Years" "All Day"
"Are You Done Yet?" "Cupcakes" "Bad Hair Day" "Dye Hard" "Sneaky Treats"